IDS/SAM accommodates a wide variety of media while providing data management, disaster recovery and HSM features which manage and protect an unrestricted number of files and migrate them to the most suitable, cost-effective media. All data is stored according to ANSI standards.
Much of the data Cray manages consists of completed design data, Before IDS/SAM. the data resided on magnetic disks attached to the network which were backed up to tape daily. Repeated backing up was unnecessary, since the data did not change - and keeping multiple copies eliminated tape's cost advantages as a back-up medium. In addition, tape's deterioration over time put the backed-up data at risk.
Cray's IDS/SAM system stores static design data on optical WORM (write-once, read many) media, and provides users with transparent access to that data via a jukebox. The system eliminates continuous backup and most importantly, includes a disaster recovery capability. In addition to freeing up network computing resources, IDS/SAM vastly reduces the load on Cray's backup systems.
IDS/SAM provides Cray's users with transparent access to data on a network-wide basis and a higher level of protection for files-while cutting data storage and management costs.
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